A Hyde Park Day


As our name relates and our purpose states in part:  the preservation of our history, to promote and assist in the education, study, research and knowledge of the general public we bring to our followers an upcoming event sponsored by the Ticonderoga’s Kiwanis Club.   It is an opportunity to visit both Eleanor Roosevelt’s home at Val-Kill and President Franklin Roosevelt’s house at Hyde Park.


What is just as important as the visit to these two historical homes is that Dr. Christopher Breiseth  is the guide on this bus tour.  “Chris”, more informally know by,  lives here in Ticonderoga.  Previously he served as the CEO of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, which is located at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY.  He now serves as the Board Chair of the Frances Perkins Center.



This is the Centennial anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement and here in NYS women were granted the right to vote.  The Ticonderoga Historical Society, located at the  Hancock House, has begun a multi-year program and exhibit devoted to telling this period of our history.  In this particular instance tour participants have an unique opportunity to learn more about  Frances Perkins as she was  FDR’S Secretary of Labor and principal architect of the New Deal.  Chris, while studying for his Ph.D. at Cornell University,  had an opportunity to work with her for several years as she was teaching at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations there.








This is a Ticonderoga Kiwanis bus tour and seating is limited to 54.  The bus will depart from the Walmart Parking Lot at 8 AM on Thursday, September 14th and will return later that evening to the same location.  Cut off date is September ll th.



Contact:     Tom Schaffer, President of the Ticonderoga Kiwanis.  Telephone reservations at: 518-543-6220.  Please mail reservation checks to him at:  P.O. Box 586, Hague, NY 12836




Hancock House, Ticonderoga, NY






Liberated Ladies – Program & Exhibit







Visit the Hancock House this Summer and enjoy our three new themed

exhibits:   World War I, Steamboats & Women’s Suffrage


Open every day during the summer months  10 to 4


8/5/17 – wgd

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